



Birmingham-南部 College Announces 2019-2020 class of Panther Partners

Birmingham-南部 College Announces 2019-2020 class of Panther Partners

10月. 3, 2019

阿拉巴马州的伯明翰. –

阿拉巴马州的伯明翰. – Birmingham-南部 College is pleased to announce the 68 students and Birmingham-area professionals who make up the 2019-2020 class of the Panther Partnerships Mentoring Program. 通过这个密集的, 结构化程序, mentors help students achieve individualized goals in pursuit of their educational and career ambitions. Students of all majors and interests are eligible to apply for the program and are selected through a competitive process. Mentors are volunteers who offer their time and expertise to guide the next generation of business and community leaders.

The 2019-2020 Panther Partners are:

  • 多萝西·亚历山大, a sophomore biology major, mentored by Lane Brown, speech-language pathologist at Lane B. 得到;
  • 卡森Buckner, 商科大三, 由卡尔顿伍德指导, VP and Account Services Director at Lewis 通信;
  • 玛丽布洛克, 心理学专业大三, mentored by Cristin Gavin, Ph.D. (’06), Assistant Professor of Neurobiology at UAB;
  • 将布塞尔, 高级会计专业, mentored by Hunter Craig (’00), Managing Director at Highland Associates;
  • 艾米·凯西, a sophomore biology major, mentored by Harrison Walker, M.D. (’97), Associate Professor of Neurology and Medical Director for Brain Stimulation at UAB;
  • 亚历克西斯钱伯斯, a junior mathematical finance major, mentored by Jonathan Prince (’02), Second 副总统 and Actuary at Protective;
  • 摩根Chapuran, 心理学专业大三, mentored by Daphne Wallace, pediatric physical therapist at United Ability;
  • 玛丽安娜·库珀, a sophomore business and religion major, mentored by Margaret Ann Pyburn (’84), Executive 副总统 for Sales at Cobbs Allen;
  • Mac延迟, a junior mathematics and computer science major, mentored by Stacey Kelpke, Ph.D., Program Manager for Medical Device Technologies at 南部 Research;
  • Denby茱莉亚, a senior English major, mentored by Ashley Rhea (’11), attorney at Rhea Law 有限责任公司;
  • Thi Denerson, a senior theater and media and film studies major, 由泰勒·琼斯指导, filmmaker and studio director at 1504;
  • 麦肯齐Driskell, a junior history major, mentored by Matthew Penfield (’92), attorney at Bressler, Amery & 罗斯P.C.;
  • 伊莎贝尔埃斯蒂斯, a sophomore business management major, 由阿曼达·琼斯指导, general manager at Morgan Ashley Salon;
  • 马特费海提, 经济学专业大四学生, mentored by Casey Lambert (’15), Financial Analyst at BBVA USA;
  • 克莱尔Gallion, a sophomore biology major, mentored by Elizabeth Peters, M.D., (’94), pediatrician at Children’s of Alabama/Mayfair Medical Group;
  • 玛丽·布兰登·哈勒尔, a sophomore business management major, mentored by Onna Cunningham (’08), 副总统 of Operations at Devote;
  • 猎人海斯, a junior mathematical finance and economics major, mentored by Brad Cherry (’01), 梅纳德律师事务所律师, 库珀 & 盖尔,P.C.;
  • 洛林Helfenstein, a junior business administration major, 由科科·麦金指导, 副总统 for Corporate 通信 and Community Relations at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama;
  • 苏菲Herrington, a junior human rights major, 由Libba Vaughn指导, 执行董事 of 领导 Birmingham;
  • 劳拉·爱丽丝·希尔豪斯, a junior business administration major, mentored by Autumn Foster Sanders, Founder and CEO of Quire Consulting, 有限责任公司;
  • 艾琳Huttula, a junior health sciences major, 由Karen Eargle指导, physical therapist at Brookdale Senior Living;
  • 卡罗尔•约翰逊, a sophomore biology major, mentored by Sean Vanlandingham, M.D., an emergency medicine physician at Team Health;
  • 奥利维亚·琼斯, a senior political science major, 由Mary Boehm指导, 董事会成员, 区3, Birmingham City School Board;
  • 黛安娜Kabanyana, a junior business and economics major, 由伊森·萨默斯指导, eCommerce and Procurement Manager at Fledging;
  • Hyl金布罗, a junior business finance major, mentored by Kristin Waters Sullivan, attorney at The Five Points Law Group;
  • 克莱尔LeSar, a senior art and art history major, mentored by Anne Forschler-Tarrasch, Chief Curator and Curator of Decorative Arts at Birmingham Museum of Art;
  • 莱蒂Lundy给你, a junior business administration major, mentored by Hanlon Walsh (’12), Public Relations Specialist at Peritus Public Relations;
  • 莎拉Mathison, a junior business administration major, mentored by Meg Roebuck, owner, Shoefly Boutique,
  • Rob Pulliam, 经济学专业大四学生, mentored by Erin Stephenson (’01), 副总统, Client and Community Relations Director at PNC Financial Services Group;
  • 艾米丽的卖家, a sophomore business administration major, mentored by Carrie Beth Buchanan (’05), 教学专家, 杰斐逊县学校;
  • 埃文•, a sophomore mathematics and business administration major, mentored by Kathryn Lavender (’92), Chief Operating Officer at Porter White and Company;
  • Jadaria托马斯, a senior health sciences major, 由克劳迪娅·哈迪指导, Program Director at UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center;
  • 希望特伦特, 历史系大四学生, 由Brian Barsanti指导, 执行董事, 南部 Museum of Flight; and
  • 玛迪弗农, a junior business management major, mentored by Paul Barber, President of Valent Group.


媒体联络: Amy Bickers, Director of 通信, (205) 226-4922 or (电子邮件保护)

About Birmingham-南部 College

Birmingham-南部 College is a selective residential liberal arts college enrolling approximately 1,300名本科生. 澳门新葡京官网 is included in Pope’s Colleges that Change Lives and is a sheltering institution for Phi Beta Kappa. The college’s curriculum is based on close faculty-student interaction in teaching, 建议, 和研究. For more on the college’s faculty, students, educational mission, and national reputation visit www.二元同步通信.edu.