







Physics: 物理学教授在澳门新葡京官网是基于微积分.  以微积分为基础的物理学最能教会我们解决问题, MCAT考试所需的批判性思维能力, and thus students are strongly advised to take calculus based physics rather than trigonometry based physics.  However, medical schools do not require completion of one-year of calculus based physics for admission; one-year of trigonometry based physics is acceptable. 

Biology: 生物系强烈推荐4个学期的生物学(115),125, 215, 303)尽管医学院最低要求只有两个学期.  从2012届开始, students will have to take a one term introductory biochemistry course in order to prepare for the MCAT beginning in 2015.  However, this biochemistry course does not have to have a laboratory component.  医学院可能会推荐额外的生物学课程,如细胞生物学, 胚胎学和/或比较解剖学, 但这些并不是入学的必要条件.

数学:  class of 2012 students should plan on taking a course in statistics in preparation for the new MCAT that begins spring of 2015.  Our MA 207 course would fulfill this requirement and would serve as one of the terms of mathematics required for admission into medical school.

Medical schools may have specific requirements in addition to those listed above. Students should check the catalogue of schools to which they plan to apply to insure that all 入学要求 have been met.



Required prerequisite science courses should be completed by the end of the junior year in order to be adequately prepared for taking the Medical College Admission Test. MCAT考试在每年4月到9月之间举行多次. Most students take the MCAT in late spring or early summer and if their performance is not satisfactory repeat the test later in the summer


Typically students must begin with either Biology or Chemistry as a first term freshman.

在第一学期加倍学习科学课程是不被鼓励的. Students who perform very well in the fall term may double up in the spring term of the freshman year, 虽然没有必要. General chemistry is typically offered in the summer at 澳门新葡京官网 but required biology and physics courses as well as organic chemistry is not offered as part of 澳门新葡京官网’s summer school program. Students should work carefully with an advisor or a science faculty member in planning course schedules.


你想要什么都行! You should major in a subject area you find enjoyable and one in which you do well. Consideration should also be given to career options should medical school not be in your future. 医学院不会偏袒某一个专业.


MCAT.  在考试中取得好成绩的重要性怎么估计也不为过. 

MCAT的复习是 strongly 鼓励. This can be done on your own or by using one of the available published manuals or review courses. For example, the KAPLAN Center offers a MCAT review course each spring (cost approximately $2,000). MCAT复习手册也可以在一些书店买到. 澳门新葡京官网不提供MCAT审查.

GPA.  综合成绩和科学/数学成绩都需要很高的GPA. A 4.不需要0 GPA. UAB和USA录取学生的平均GPA约为3.7. 重要的是: MCAT的高分可以战胜一般的gpa. 高gpa并不能弥补一般的MCAT成绩.

PRE-HEALTH经验.  Medical schools look for candidates who have a realistic view of health care and such a view can come only from personal, pre-health经验. 澳门新葡京官网 offers Exploration term internships each January and the opportunity to participate in the mentor program. 两者都是自愿的 强烈建议. 应该从志愿工作中获得额外的经验, 暑期工作, 还有学年兼职工作. 不要等到大三才开始这些经历. 经验应该是在各种卫生保健机构.

社区服务经历.  Do some! 澳门新葡京官网通过Bunting中心提供社区服务机会, 服务学习, 和探索期经历. 就像健康前的经历一样,不要等到大三才开始.

课外活动.  Medical schools want people with good leadership skills and well-rounded experiences. 鼓励积极参加校园组织. 领导职位很重要. However, don't pad your resume with memberships in many organizations in which you have been inactive. 仔细选择活动,明智地预算时间. The quality of the extra-curricular activities is more important than the quantity.

卫生专业咨询委员会(hpac)的建议.  如果上述活动强烈, the HPAC letter will be positive.

面试.  如果上述活动强烈, 你将被邀请去医学院面试. Students who have very strong credentials on paper may still be rejected if they make a poor impression on the interview committee. 澳门新葡京官网 offers simulated interviews in September and juniors and seniors are 鼓励 to participate. 即将升学的大四学生可以获得一份关于面试技巧的讲义.


The association of American Medical Colleges publishes "Medical School Admission Requirements" each year. A copy is available in the office of the secretary for Science and Mathematics, SSC 128. 这本平装书描述了医学院的一般信息, 课程, 入学要求, 选择的因素, 经济援助信息, 还有上一年班的统计数据. In general, state supported (public) medical schools give preference to in-state students. You should contact medical schools in which you are interested to determine residency requirements. Private medical schools often do not exhibit geographic preferences but entry requirements are usually higher.


第一次被拒的学生通常会重新申请. 在医疗保健领域的额外工作经验, 选修额外课程, 尤其是在研究生阶段, 重新参加MCAT考试可能会增加第二次考试成功的机会. Post-baccalaureate programs are also available at a number of institutions and success in one of these may improve your chances of being admitted to medical school. (Note: If you seek advice from one of the Directors of Admissions at one of the medical schools, 你必须听从那个建议.  These individuals typically keep records of such advice and if you fail to follow recommendations given, 这将使你在重新申请时更难获得录取.)

Allied health careers are also available to students whose credentials are not acceptable for medical school or for those who do wish to enter medical school but are interested in patient care. Talk to the pre-health advisor for information on some of the allied health career options. 不要等到大四才去寻找其他的职业选择.


  1. Your faculty advisor can help plan course schedules and identify specific contact persons for answers to more difficult questions.
  2. The chair of HPAC can provide information on the work of the Committee and timetable for required paperwork. This information is also available in a handout that can be picked up from the office of the secretary of Science and Mathematics, SSC 128.
  3. Dr. 约翰·伍兹负责协调健康前访谈和导师项目.


不要犹豫寻求帮助. All members of the College community are here to help guide you through your stay at 澳门新葡京官网.